IMS 2020-2025 Resources



Explore the IMS Lending Library

Posted by Megan Smith

Sat, Dec 9, 2023

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If you haven't had a chance to explore the IMS Lending Library recently, now is the perfect time to do so! We are continuously expanding our collection with new tools designed to enhance the student learning experience by nurturing curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

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Topics: IMS Services, Starlab, STEM, IMS, Instructional Tech Tools, sphero

2022 IU13 IMS Back-to-School Mini-Conference

Posted by IU13 IMS

Fri, May 27, 2022


IMS MiniConference 2022

Are you looking for new tools to put into your digital toolbox? Come join IU13 IMS at our “Back-to-School” Mini-Conference featuring introductory sessions on IU13 Instructional Media Services. Unlock the features of Discovery Education, BrainPop, OverDrive/Sora, Gale Research Databases, and CultureGrams.

Did you know that you can check out equipment such as the StarLab, Mobile VR Kits, and the Telepresence System or the new IMS STEM Lending Library? Certification workshops are available or you can just come and explore items such as Sphero Robots, Makey Makey, and Phidgets. Other educational technology session offerings such as an introduction to Google Workspace, Schoology and much more will also be available.

Sessions will be designed to provide educators with training on the program, then provided ample time to ask questions, collaborate with colleagues, and develop lessons and projects for the new school year. Monday's sessions are targeted towards newer and less experienced educators, while Tuesday will focus on more advanced applications of educational technology tools, materials and programs.

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Attendees should bring their own internet connected device and are encouraged to have user district accounts created in advance. Visit the event website for more information.


Mini-Conference - Introductory Sessions

  • Date: Monday - August 8, 2022
  • Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Lancaster- Lebanon IU13 Conference Center
  • Audience: New and less experienced Educators
  • Cost: Free for IU13 District Educators and $75 per day for non-IU13 districts and non-public schools to attend
  • Registration: Click here to register on Frontline 

Mini-Conference - Advanced Sessions

  • Date: Tuesday - August 9, 2022
  • Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Lancaster- Lebanon IU13 Conference Center
  • Audience: More experienced Educators
  • Cost: Free for IU13 District Educators and $75 per day for non-IU13 districts and non-public schools to attend
  • Registration: Click here to register on Frontline 


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Topics: IMS Services, IMS, IMS Events

IMS 2017-2020

Posted by Ken Zimmerman

Tue, May 7, 2019

IMSthumbnailIt is hard to believe that we are already finishing our second year of this current iteration of the IMS @IU13! As we continue to support the current version of the IMS, we are starting onsite meetings with districts to review current IMS data usage as well as all the tools/resources that are currently included with this version of the IMS.  We are looking forward to district feedback on how the IMS needs changed, revised, or altered in order to continually align with district needs and initiatives for the next cycle 2020-2025! Currently the IU13 IMS includes the following: 

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Topics: IMS Services, IMS

Announcing our refreshed IMS 2017-2020

Posted by Ken Zimmerman

Thu, Apr 27, 2017

In order to ensure that our current Instructional Media Services (IMS) Tools/Resources align with district needs and initiatives, we reevaluate current services every three years. All 22 member districts were asked to elect one or two representatives that would serve on our IMS Focus Group to help evaluate our current IMS. Our group was made up of Assistant Superintendents, Technology Coordinators, Principals, Media Specialists, and Technology Integrators/Coaches. This group began meeting last Spring of 2016 and then in the Fall of 2016. They had the opportunity to fully evaluate our current tools/resources and help determine which ones we wanted to continue moving into the next 3 year cycle that align with district needs, initiatives, strategies, and environments. After a lot of collaborative work and meetings, recommendations began to form. Finally, the process ended in an official vote from each district on the new recommendations in Dec 2016. Starting in 2017, district members received the opportunity to review and provide comments on the recommendations from our IMS Focus Group. As of the end of April 2017, all final approvals have been received.  We are very pleased to be offering the following IMS resources for the next three year cycle of 2017-2020 (the order is alphabetical):

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Topics: IMS Services, IMS Summer Academy, IMS

Teacher Appreciation Week!

Posted by Ken Zimmerman

Tue, May 3, 2016

It's hard to believe that this 2015-2016 school year is quickly coming to an end. I have been so excited for Spring to arrive! May brings nourishment, refreshment, new growth, and a lot of greens, pinks, and yellows as a sign of warmer weather to come! This week also brings with it a great celebration and attitude of thankfulness known as Teacher Appreciation Week!

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Topics: Workshops, IMS Services, ThankaTeacher