We are looking forward to celebrating National Digital Learning Day #DLDay on March 13, 2015. Although that may seem a long time away, the way we are celebrating in PA will occur much sooner! This year, PA through PAIMS (Pennsylvania Instructional Media Services) has decided to celebrate National Digital Learning Day through participation in the Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week December 8-14, 2014.
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How will you celebrate Feb. 5, 2014 Digital Learning Day #DLDay?
Posted by Ken Zimmerman
Tue, Jan 7, 2014
Digital Learning Day is being celebrated across the nation on Feb. 5, 2014. PA plans to participate this year by having selected student teams come to their respective IU to present an invention that they have created or prototyped during their designated time to all other participating IUs in our state. At that time, they will follow the twitter #PADLDay #DLDay to participate in statewide discussions/feedback. All schools will be able to view the live stream from their school locations. This is not a competition, but a collective sharing event.
Topics: Announcements, Digital Learning Day