IMS 2020-2025 Resources



Digital Learning Day & Hour of Code

Posted by Ken Zimmerman

Mon, Nov 17, 2014

DLD_buttonWe are looking forward to celebrating National Digital Learning Day #DLDay on March 13, 2015.  Although that may seem a long time away, the way we are celebrating in PA will occur much sooner!  This year, PA through PAIMS (Pennsylvania Instructional Media Services) has decided to celebrate National Digital Learning Day through participation in the Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week December 8-14, 2014. 

Hour of Code's mission is that "Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science." Did you know that there are many support resources available for your Hour of Code activities k-12 on their website?  What we would like you do to is to document your Hour of Code activities in your schools with your students.  We are looking for pictures and videos to document your coding activities.  On National Digital Learning Day #DLDay, PA will stream the videos and pictures sent in documenting your activities during Hour of Code week (we will also accept prior and post activities).

Check out this flyer for more details:

In order to participate in this year's Digital Learning Day celebrating Hour of Code Week, please click on this link to submit your intent to participate.  Participation means that you are willing to document your Hour of Code events via photos and/or videos (under 2 mns).  Once you submit your intent to participate, you will be emailed instructions on how to submit your photos/videos in order for them to be included in the Pennsylvania Digital Learning Day stream event on March 13, 2015.

How to Become a Computer Engineer
How to Become a Computer Programmer

Topics: Digital Learning Day, Computer Science