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Educational Technology at IU13

What do you know about Hybrid Learning?

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Thu, Jan 14, 2016

What does Hybrid Learning mean to you? In Education today, the word hybrid is being used in many different contexts usually referring to mixing or blending models/strategies/practices together in some way.  Just like when we think about a hybrid vehicle, we think about a car that has a gasoline engine and an electric motor, both which can be utilized to make the car run. In Education, we may use the term hybrid or blended classes to refer to some classes via brick and mortar (traditional classes on site in a building) and some classes entirely online (cyber education).  In this case, a student may experience a hybrid of traditional courses and cyber courses (fully online) Students may attend school for some traditional classes and then go online to attend virtual courses.  These are all the things I thought of when I was first introduced to Hybrid Learning in 2012. Since then, Hybrid Learning has taken on a whole new meaning!

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Topics: e-Learning, Hybrid Learning

Looking for a great conference on E-Learning?

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Mon, Mar 31, 2014

There are many things that I am looking forward to this summer including ISTE, IMS Summer Academy, PA HLI training & development, and the most exciting of all - the E-Learning Revolution Conference on June 24-25!

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Topics: e-Learning, E-Learning Revolution

Introducing the first IMS Summer Academy 2014!

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Mon, Mar 17, 2014

Are you looking for some great FREE (IMS members) professional development to enhance your Technology Integration skills for your classrooms?  Perhaps, you are looking for some interactive workshops over the summer that you can use for trade/flex days.  Look no further! We are excited to announce the first IMS Summer Academy 2014! 

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Topics: Workshops, Discovery Education, IMS Services, e-Learning, CultureGrams, Safari Montage, OverDrive, IMS Summer Academy

Calling all Discovery Education Users!

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Wed, Mar 12, 2014

discoveryedDiscovery Education is so much more than a resource for videos! Come learn about the exciting features of Discovery Education including but not limited to the interactive Atlas, Board Builder, Assignment Builder, Quiz Builder, Writing Prompt Builder, Assessment Manager, and other resources. This workshop will be presented by an official Discovery Education trainer who is ready to help you learn and explore all the other resources Discovery Education has to offer.

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Topics: Workshops, Discovery Education, IMS Services, e-Learning

Schoology Anyone?

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Mon, Mar 3, 2014

Last month, we held a Canvas LMS Demonstration for all districts who are interested in learning more information about Canvas and seeking consortium pricing opportunities.  This month, we are featuring another LMS contender called Schoology!  Schoology is a LMS that has a much more social feel and look to its product.  We are offering a Schoology Demonstration at IU13 on March 17th from 1:00-3:00 pm.  Come learn and explore what Schoology Enterprise has to offer to personalize learning.  Check out the event flyer below:

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Topics: Announcements, e-Learning

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