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Educational Technology at IU13

OverDrive and Teaching Books

Posted by IU13 IMS on Thu, Oct 14, 2021

OverDrive and Teaching Books

A recent announcement from OverDrive:

We are happy to announce that OverDrive has acquired TeachingBooks.net. TeachingBooks creates, acquires and maintains an expansive, exclusive collection of digital resources that deepen students' understanding of children's and young adult books. It is the best source of supplemental materials that enables you to support curriculum needs and enrich literacy instruction while enhancing students' engagement with books and reading. See press release.

TeachingBooks has been creating and maintaining enrichment content about children's and young adult books since 2001, and now offers more than 265,000 resources in their catalog to enrich how a book is taught in the classroom. They currently work with more than 50,000 schools and libraries, supporting students' and readers' appreciation and enjoyment of books.

We are proud to combine two industry-leading products to benefit your school: OverDrive Education's Sora student reading app, which has the industry's largest digital book catalog, and TeachingBooks' world-class catalog of supplemental materials. In the coming months, we will provide more details about when and how the services will be integrated.

In the meantime, we will continue to operate "business as usual" with no changes to our or TeachingBooks' operations. If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager.

This post was adapted from recent communication directly from OverDrive

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