IMS 2020-2025 Resources



Mac Updates for Sora and OverDrive

Posted by IU13 IMS

Thu, Oct 7, 2021


As of September 30, 2021, the web certificate provider Let’s Encrypt no longer supports certain older operating systems. Certificates from Let’s Encrypt are relied on for secure connections for websites and apps including Sora and OverDrive. As a result of this change, the following is now in effect:

  • Sora’s minimum iOS version is now iOS 10. To use Sora on an iOS device, users are required to update their device’s operating system to iOS 10 or newer. These are the steps to help iOS users update their operating system version.
  • The legacy OverDrive for Mac desktop app is only supported on macOS versions 10.12.1 through 10.14.
  • Users on legacy web browsers may experience issues loading and should upgrade to a newer browser version, if possible.

The expectation was that affected users would receive a security warning after the Let’s Encrypt change, but we’ve since learned that a warning is not always displayed. Users may experience issues with signing in, borrowing, loading the app’s content, etc.
For more information and troubleshooting tips, check out Sora Help and OverDrive Help. If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager.

This post was adapted from a direct communication from OverDrive





Topics: OverDrive, SORA