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Educational Technology at IU13

Calling for Proposals for our Elementary Technology Conference!

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Wed, Jun 25, 2014

Is it time to start preparing for our annual Elementary Technology Conference coming up this December 2014.  We are pleased to announce that our Keynote speaker is award winning author of Free Technology for Teachers, Richard Byrne.  Click here for more information about Richard Byrne.  We are very excited to have Richard open our day's events with an encouraging and challenging keynote for elementary teachers.

The 7th Annual Elementary Technology Conference is designed especially for K-6 classroom teachers. Come join your colleagues as they share ways to engage your students with technology-rich lessons and ideas. Choose from over 18 sessions on instructional best practices to new Web 2.0 tools and more!

Have you attended our #iu13etc conference in the past?  Consider submitting a proposal for this year's Elementary Technology Conference via our ETC Wikispace. We are accepting conference proposals through the end of September 2014 so we can have the conference schedule posted by October 1, 2014. Remember that if your proposal is selected, you receive complimentary full admission to our #iu13etc14 conference!

We would love to hear how you are customizing learning for students through leveraging the use of technology in your classrooms.  Session proposals fill up fast, so don't delay!

Registration is now open. 


Topics: Announcements, Elementary Tech Conference

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