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Educational Technology at IU13

Richard Byrne is coming to IU 13!

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Thu, Apr 3, 2014

We are very pleased to announce that Richard Byrne is going to be our guest speaker/presenter at our April 22, 2014 Tech Integrator/Media Specialist Meeting.  This is one presentation that you don't want to miss!

Richard Byrne is a former high school social studies teacher best known for developing the award-winning blog Free Technology for Teachers. He has been invited to speak at events all over North America, Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Richard’s work is focused on sharing free web-based resources that educators can use to enhance their students’ learning experiences.RByrne_HS_BW[1]

Richard is a five time winner of the Edublogs Award for Best Resource Sharing Blog. Richard became a Google Certified Teacher in 2009. 2012 saw Richard receive a Merlot Classics award from chancellor’s office of California State University. In 2010 he was a finalist for ACTEM’s (Association of Computer Teachers and Educators in Maine) educator of the year award. Tech & Learning Magazine named Richard one of their “people to watch” in their 100@30 30th Anniversary celebration (http://techlearning.com/article/26660).

On a daily basis Richard’s blog Free Technology for Teachers reaches more than 100,000 educators. In addition to writing Free Technology for Teachers, Richard also maintains iPadApps4School.com, Android4Schools.com, and PracticalEdTech.com. Richard’s print work includes a monthly column for School Library Journal, contributing author to What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies and Social Media, and contributions to Teacher Librarian.  Richard lives in Woodstock, Maine with his loyal dogs Max and Morrison.

Richard's presentation will include a beginning Keynote entitled, The Power of Educational Technology to Prepare Students for the Future and then we will have three hands-on learning sessions titled Celebrating Discovery, Discussion, and Demonstration. Please be prepared to explore and collaborate!

All administrators, technology coordinators/integrator, and media specialists are invited to attend!  Please register here.

Topics: Tech/Media Monthly Mtgs, Announcements

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