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Educational Technology at IU13

The Elementary & Secondary Technology Conferences of 2015 Have Arrived!

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Mon, Dec 7, 2015

Tonight feels a little like Christmas Eve, full of anticipation and excitement for what tomorrow brings.  In my case, tomorrow brings the Elementary Technology Conference and the following day, the Secondary Technology Conference.  As I am writing this blog post, my phone is lighting up with registered participants tweeting their excitement for what's coming the next two days with thoughts of learning, growing, and collaborating.

This year, we are very fortunate to have Josh Stumpenhorst as our Keynote! For months, we have been preparing for these next two days and it would have been impossible without the help from both the ETC and STC Committees made up of district technology directors/integrators/coaches.  Today was a flurry of printing final name tags, setting up rooms with 36 colored balloons, and organizing the door prizes donated generously from our sponsors.

As I think about what's to come the next two days, I think about all of the amazing participants (over 360 for the next two days) who are registered looking forward to a full day of collaboration and learning.  These educators are hard working, dedicated to their craft and students, and desire to never stop learning! Some are at the beginning of their careers, middle of their careers and others are even toward the end of their careers - still wanting to learn new tips and tricks to increase student learning and enhance teaching.

I am humbled to work with these amazing educators and look forward to learning from our energized presenters who are willing to take a day and share with their colleagues how they integrate technology in order to maximize student learning.  A very special thanks goes to all of our presenters who have dedicated this time for the benefit of everyone attending. 

Even if you are unable to attend the conferences, be sure to follow our conversations via twitter #iu13etc15 and #iu13stc15.  Instead of dreaming about sugar plum fairies tonight, I will be dreaming of how the GRINCH can't take away this group's thrill and excitement for learning & growing!

Click here to view our Elementary Technology Conference Wikispace

Click here to view our Secondary Technology Conference Wikispace

Topics: etc, Elementary Tech Conference, Secondary Technology Conference, stc

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