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Educational Technology at IU13

IU13 IMS Announces Discount BrainPop Pricing!

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Tue, Aug 9, 2016

BrainPop_-_logo_-_01.pngIU13 IMS is very pleased to announce that through PAIMS (Pennsylvania Instructional Media Services) we have secured discount pricing for the popularly used instructional resource - BrainPop. BrainPop is a great educational tool to help engage & motivate student learning independently, in small groups, and within direct instruction. Investigate the multitude of topics/units in Science, Math, Social Studies, English, Health, Arts & Music, and Engineering/Tech. Students learn through video lessons and take quizzes to capture their learning.  There are games as well as teacher resources to access.  The following subscriptions are available via per student pricing:

BrainPop Jr (k-3)
BrainPop (3-8)
BrainPop Combo
BrianPop ESL
BrainPop Español

Check out the flyer below for more details:

Contact ims@iu13.org for a quote!

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