We are very pleased to announce our Fall 2015 STARLAB training at Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 on Oct. 22, 2015. All Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 districts and all Instructional Media Services (IMS) schools are invited to register for this next training session. In order to reserve one of the 4 STARLAB Portable Planetariums, each participant must attend a half day workshop to learn how to set up, operate, and take down the STARLAB.
Students can explore the galaxies, constellations, biology cells, plate tectonics, and Greek mythology using one of our four Starlabs. The IU13 IMS program has four of the popular Starlab portable planetarium systems. The systems circulate among schools to be used in science, language arts and other curriculum areas. IU13 holds basic training for educators in the use of these highly motivating systems which are accompanied by K-12 curriculum integration support
- StarLab Curriculum (Click here to sign out the Starlab)
Please check the following datesaver for more details: