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Educational Technology at IU13

ETC & STC Reflections

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Thu, Dec 10, 2015

How is it that I feel like I was just sitting down to blog about getting ready for this year's Elementary and Secondary Technology Conferences and they are already over?  What an amazing two days we experienced at Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13! Both Conferences we an amazing success due to outstanding presenters and very hard working committee members.  

I'd like to take a moment to thank the committee members for a year's worth of hard work and dedication to making this year's #iu13etc15 and #iu13stc15 such a success.  Without the support and efforts from these two committees, I can't imagine how anything would have worked out the way it did.  Please join me in thanking the following:

Elementary Technology Conference Committee:
Sue Miller - Donegal SD
Judy Umbenhauer - ELCO SD
Sue Allen - Hempfield SD
Stephanie Leister - SOLANCO SD
Beth Hartranft - Warwick SD
Liz Toigo - Lampeter-Strasburg SD
Joyce Good - Commonweath Connections Academy
Ashley Heagy - Pequea Valley SD
Vicki Treadway - Conestoga Valley SD
Ryan Donnelly - Pequea Valley SD
Keith Royer - Annville-Cleona SD
Ken Zimmerman - IU13

Secondary Technology Conference Committee:
Mardy McGaw - Conestoga Valley SD
Sue Allen - Hempfield SD
Ashley Heagy - Pequea Valley SD
Keith Royer - Annville-Cleona SD
Darin Wagner - Hempfield SD
Amanda Templeton - ELCO SD
Ryan Donnelly - Pequea Valley SD
Tim Leister - ELANCO SD
Ken Zimmerman - IU13

Keynote, Josh Stumpenhorst, challenged us to think about innovative practices and how we make learning fun, exciting, and motivating for our students. We were reminded that we don't have to be so isolated in our profession due to the numerous ways technology has enabled us to globally connect our students and teaching practices. We were encouraged to take one step at a time and help one another through the entire journey that we are all on in today's 21st century classrooms.  It's been a real pleasure to read participant reactions, thoughts, and reflections.  Check for yourself by searching our conference hashtags (#iu13etc15 & #iu13stc15):



We hope to see you again next year for our 9th annual Elementary Technology Conference #iu13etc16 and our 2nd annual Secondary Technology Conference! #iu13stc16!

Topics: etc, Elementary Tech Conference, Secondary Technology Conference, stc

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