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Educational Technology at IU13

Announcing our ETC17/STC17 Keynote

Posted by Ken Zimmerman on Wed, Jul 5, 2017

We are very pleased to announce our upcoming Elementary (ETC17) & Secondary (STC17) Technology Conferences Keynote - Adam Bellow! 
Adam Bellow is a dedicated educational technologist and father of two young boys. Adam is the co-founder of Breakout EDU, the immersive gaming platform that enables teachers and students to turn their classrooms into a place of discovery and inquiry based learning. Before that he served as a Presidential Innovation Fellow for the White House. Over the past decade, Bellow has created several popular edtech learning platforms including eduTecher, eduClipper, and WeLearnedIt. Bellow has written several books about educational technology and he is also serving as a board member for the EdCamp Foundation in addition to speaking internationally about education and the power of technology to enhance learning.
Our theme this year is "Make Learning Fun: Gamification Anyone?" focusing on how to engage, motivate, and excite student learners in today's world. Let's put the FUN back into school! Choose from a variety of sessions on instructional best practices, blended to personalized learning, gamification tools/resources and so much more. Sessions will present ideas for maximizing student learning & teaching efficiencies through the use of technology integrations in general and specific content uses.
We are currently accepting presentation proposals for both conferences.  Would you consider submitting a proposal? All proposals are due by October 1, 2017.
Presentation proposals and registrations for both conferences are available on the following conference websites ETC17 and STC17.

Topics: etc, stc

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