IMS 2020-2025 Resources



1:1 Forum Update

Posted by Ken Zimmerman

Fri, Jan 17, 2014

1-1_426959We had a very successful meeting in November where quite a few districts participated in some very thought provoking discussions that concentrated on the status of each district's 1:1 initiatives. We also discussed what everyone wants to continue to focus on throughout this year.  Professional development and implementation seem to be two hotspots in which many have an interest.  We are going to continue these conversations in our next 1:1 forum coming up on February 28, 2014.  The invitation to join this meeting is open to all school districts who have begun 1:1 or is in the planning stages of 1:1.  Please consider attending whether you are a Tech Coach/Integrator, Online Coordinator, Tech Coordinator/Director, or any other teacher/administrator who is involved in the planning, preparation, and implementation process. Please bring all your questions, information, and topics you would like to explore.  Don't forget to register on mlp.

Image credit: @creativecommons

Topics: 1:1, Announcements