Topics: Technology, STEM LESSON, Competitions
We are so excited to say that our first Virtual STEM lessons are occurring this week. We have 9 IU13 classes registered to participate from AS, ES, MDS and Itinerant AS. We are looking forward to this new venture with our students and teachers. We want to give out a big to those nine staff members for jumping into this with us. We can’t wait for the experience.
Hi, I hope your week is off to a good start. In our blog this past Monday, Giovanna and I shared about our ECSES- STEM Makerspace opportunities, and a little bit about the upcoming live STEM lessons. We want to talk about this exciting opportunity for you and your class to join our live lessons.
Top of the Morning to You ! Can't believe it is March already:)
Last week, I was at Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) in Pittsburgh and came back with many new learning opportunities to share with everyone. Giovanna and I will be offering summer learning opportunities on several of the topics. Click on this link to see the session titles and dates.
Here are some Valentine STEM lessons. The first lesson focuses on balance. It came from a lesson I found online. For this lesson you need conversation heart candy, Dixie© cups, and craft sticks.
Topics: Winner, Contest, STEM LESSON
Here is the first STEM Lesson for February. Today's lesson came from a lesson I did for a professional development activity. I also pulled some ideas from a lesson that Rachel Weiler IU13 Emotional Support teacher at VREC used early this school year. For this lesson you need balloons and masking tape.
Happy Weekend- I decided that I would start blogging STEM lesson plans a couple times a month to assist teachers. I know everyone is busy; so hopefully this will help out a bit. You might have to tweak my lesson plan based on grade level or program. It is never too young to complete STEM lessons in your classroom - just ask our HeadStart teacher Sue Bowers! She was teaching numbers, counting, and PROBABILITY with her 3 year olds last week using Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons. Today's lesson comes from Teach Beside Me- Educate Creatively The lesson using trays, styrofoam (cups, balls, or beads), and pure acetone.
Welcome back to school and 2020! I am sharing out six snowy winter STEM challenges. The holiday blues and insane cabin fever will be setting in soon, will you be ready? Hopefully these six STEM challenges will help you out. Try one each week! These are for all grades. Each link has modifications for older or younger students and extensions.
Topics: STEM, Contest, STEM LESSON
Hi Everyone! Hillary and I wanted to thank everyone so much for the wonderful donations for STEM. We have a had an overabundance of items received for this school year and no longer need any STEM donations. Check out our STEM donations!
Topics: Contest, STEM LESSON
Sending a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the STEM Item Donations: Thank you all for your generous donations of all the items I had requested from my last blog or message in the Staff News at IU13. We have used so many of the items so far and I am ready for the rest of my February lessons. Thank you again. I also want to also thank those that emailed me about Art of Recycle in Ephrata. I had known about this amazing place where I also get items for my STEM lessons. I have some new items that I am in need of now for March lessons. I have plenty of items that I had requested before.