Topics: Instructional Tech Tips, Valentine's Day
Looking for some fun and engaging tech tools to utilize in your room, or perhaps some materials for a STEM lesson. Look no further than this Blog Post
Topics: Instructional Tech Tips, BreakoutEDU, Instructional Tech Tools, ozobots, sphero
Topics: Instructional Tech Tips, STEM LESSON
Topics: Instructional Tech Tips, STEM LESSON
Topics: Instructional Tech Tips, STEM LESSON, Instructional Tech Tools
Instruction on helping students annotate documents using Kami (free version)
This week Giovanna and I are focusing on teaching staff how students can annotate on PDFs. Yesterday our teaching was focused on students using iPads to annotate on PDFs and submit back to the teacher. Today I am focusing on students using Chromebooks. There is a instructional tool called Kami. There is a free version that we are going to be discussing. Teachers can get a Pro version for a free trial, but we are not recommending that so it does not confuse you students once the Pro version expires. Giovanna and I created a document with links to our video recordings on:
Topics: Instructional Tech Tips
This months' after-school tech help sessions will be canceled. These sessions were to be held on April 3rd (Lancaster) and April 4th (Lebanon). Please contact Lori Blantz or Hillary Holler if you need assistance before the last sessions in May (2nd & 7th). As a reminder, we are only holding the after-school tech help sessions if either Hillary or Lori is notified that you will be coming. Please notify us by the start of the week that the help sessions will be provided. Thank you.
Topics: Instructional Tech Tips, Contest