If you want more fun lessons and ideas to implement STEM in your classroom follow us on our three social media platforms. You will not only find great ideas, but see many of our classrooms showcased for what they are doing with STEM in their rooms. Please share with us any pictures of students that have a photo release. You will be entered in our monthly STEM contest.
Lori Blantz
Recent Posts
Last year Giovanna and I started Google STEM Classrooms. The Google Classrooms are called ECSES STEM followed by a number. Click on the image below to watch a short video on how we are adding more STEM lessons to these Google Classrooms.
Hello ECSES staff- I have about a dozen Newsela PRO account licenses not being used.
Topics: newsela
Here are some fresh ideas and resources from Discovery Education to keep the momentum of the school year going. Be sure to log into your account of Discovery Education before clicking on the links below.
Topics: Discovery Education
Please see below that was shared by the IMS department at IU13. Just another way to learn about what IU13 has to offer to our classrooms.
Topics: IMS Services
Hess Trucks are giving 1,000 STEM Kits to Teachers- see below to apply
Hess Toy Truck Company is now accepting applications for a 2021 Hess Toy Truck STEM Kit, right on their website. https://hesstoytruck.com/stem/ Simply scroll down to "Hess Toy Truck STEM Kit Application", fill in all fields, and click "SUBMIT APPLICATION"!
Topics: Competitions