Welcome back. I hope you had a fantastic summer vacation. Students are arriving back into our classes as I type this and I hope you are as excited as I am to start working with them. Several things occurred over the summer and I am hoping this blog post will keep you updated on these new things, as well as, throughout the school year. Please keep checking back or subscribe to this blog.
1. My program is growing! Please welcome Giovanna Chamberlain as my new SEC. She will be working with some teachers on using Instructional Technology and implementing STEM lessons in their classrooms. Welcome Giovanna!!
2. Generation Genius: www.GenerationGenius.com This is a website that is available to all staff. Log in directions were given to supervisors to pass out to teachers. K-2 Lessons are now live on Generation Genius. Generation Genius released 18 new science/STEM lessons for K-2. Topics like seasons, senses, gravity, plant growth, classification and more. Generation Genius also has lessons for 3-5th grade and they are working on Middle/High School this year.
3. Are you interested in learning new Instructional Technology tools to use with your students or in your instruction? Or, are you interested in STEAM Lessons being implementing in your room? If you answer yes to either or both, please connect with your supervisor first to see if Giovanna or I can work with you on a regular basis throughout this school year.
4. Do you want to do some lessons with BreakoutEDU boxes, Spheros, Ozobots, Bee Bots, Bloxels, and/or Google Expeditions Kit? Click on this document and sign out some items to use in your classroom?
5. Finally, if you just need assistance on something or need a license for an instructional technology tool please reach out to myself, Giovanna or Hillary via email or the ticket system for a particular program.
Have a great year!