Engineering Lessons on TedED- and So Much More!
STEM Lessons for March - Take some pictures and send into us for our contest
Spice up your learning for the 2nd Semester- come on a field trip with us!
Giovanna and I are in our new location at Burle. We will have an official STEM classroom and Maker Space area for classes to come enjoy and lesson run by us. Why not spice up the year with a fun, structured, field trip to our very own IU13 Burle Building taught by Giovanna Chamberlain. Sign out our vans and bring the students over. Why not even support the IU13 Student Café by coming on a Tuesday, Thursday, or the 3rd Wednesday of the month and add lunch to support our IU13 students. We have three lessons that we have created, but if these would not suit your students please connect with us and we can alter then or provide another lesson. If coming to Burle is too much, we can coordinate and come to you. Try it out- like Mikey you and your students might like it!!!
Spice up your learning for the 2nd Semester- come on a field trip with us!
Giovanna and I have been doing some packing of our materials and moving to our new location at Burle. We will have an official STEM classroom and Maker Space area for classes to come and next year our IU13 staff and teachers can sign out and use. Why not spice up the year with a fun, structured, field trip to our very own IU13 Burle Building. Sign out our vans and bring the students over. Why not even support the IU13 Student Cafe by coming on a Tuesday, Thursday or the 3rd Wednesday of the month and add lunch. We have three lessons that we have created, but if these would not suit your students please connect with us and we can alter them or provide another lesson. If coming to Burle is too much, we can coordinate and come to you. Try it out- like Mikey you and your students might like it!!!
Shout out to our very own OT - Michelle Weisman for sharing her photos as well as lesson for teaching Bouyancy through an engaging STEM lessson.