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Environmental Science Instructional Materials and Information.. All materials will be placed in this Google Folder. 

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Together We Can Do It!

Posted by Lori Blantz on Mar 8, 2021 7:30:00 AM

 Please do not hesitate to reach out to your ECSES IT and STEM coaches via email at esces-it@iu13.org 

    1. April STEM STUDIO 108 VIRTUAL STEM LESSONS are added. Sign up to hold your spot! Virtual STEM Lessons. If you are interested in attending the APRIL LIVE lessons please sign up on this Google Form. Keep this Google Doc link nearby as we add lessons and video links. Our live lessons are going well. Join us if you want to check them out.
    2. BrainPop Science: The latest lesson is posted. Remember they are giving 1 free lesson a month to showcase this new feature in BrainPop. Click on title for the lesson: How do coronaviruses compare to influenza viruses?
    3. Discovery Education : Featured content for March
      1. Women in History Channel
      2. Pi Day Channel
      3. St. Patrick's Day Channel 
      4. Daily "Fix It" Prompts for March ** THIS ONE IS REALLY GREAT
      5. Immersive Reader Tool
      6. March 20th - International Day of Happiness- Virtual Field Trip
  • PDE added “PBS Toolkit” to their Standard Aligned System (SAS) website -now you can easily find information about standards-aligned learning resources and programming offered by PBS stations in the same place that you access other critical resources to help your students succeed. You can access it here.  To learn more about PBS Learning Media please sign up for our Summer Training on July 21st in MLP- Session title: Effectively incorporate Discovery Education, BrainPop, BrainPopJr, and PBS Learning Media into your classroom

Look on the right hand side of this Blog post for our next prize give-a-way. Could it be you? SECs or Program Designee will be nominating staff or classes each month and the winner or winners will be randomly selected using Wheel of Names. Good Luck! 

Topics: Discovery Education, BrainPop, STEM LESSON, PDE, PBS Learning, SAS website

Blog Contest:

Want to win in our monthly Blog Contest drawing? It’s easy! Just share a photo of your students diving into a STEM lesson from our resource library or our NEW Computer Science Resource. This year's prize will be your choice of an innovative game or activity for your classroom and an implementation guide.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your students have visual release permissions before submitting their photos.

Ready to inspire and win? Let’s see those amazing moments in action!

Contest Submission Form

 “THANK YOU!” for all you do for our students at IU13.👍

ECSES Instructional Technology News  is an IU13 Early Childhood and Special Education Services (ECSES) blog providing support to educators using instructional technology in ECSES classrooms. The team of Lori Blantz (supervisor), Giovanna Chamberlian (Special Education Consultant), and Andrea Fellows (STEM Teacher) create the blogs.  Contact any team member at ecses-it@iu13.org 

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