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IU13 Community Education Blog

Damarise Rodriguez 2020 Success Story

Posted by Damarise Rodriguez on Mar 27, 2020 12:07:13 PM

About Damarise:

I am a mother, grandmother, wife, sister, worship leader, and student with four kids (two over the age of 18 and two under 12). I have been happily married for five years. Both my husband and I attend church very regularly (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday). My son is in basketball and trains quite often (every Saturday). Both my son and daughter play basketball, and we attend every Saturday. I mention all this because I am a busy wife, mom, grand-mom, sister, and friend.

Damarise’s Background: What Brought Her to Look for a HSE Class

This was my third attempt to go back to school; the first two were a complete fail, but I did manage to get my Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) several years ago (but I am not as fast as I used to be). This time, when I decided to try once again for my GED, fear crept in big time. The thought of going back to school made me cry! But I felt inside that I must do it; I had support from my family, friends, and church. This was not my will, because I wanted to run – this was all God’s will for my life to better myself.

How IU13 Community Education Classes at CareerLink Helped

From the reception desk to the teachers at IU13, I felt support; I was so surprised by the desire they all have to help me do better. I am encouraged, my confidence has grown and grown, I feel smarter and smarter, and my vocabulary has expanded. IU13 was a great, life-changing choice for me.


Damarise’s Next Steps

Now, I am looking forward to getting as many degrees that I can get in Human Services to help others as others have helped me!


Advice for Future and Perspective Students

Don’t give up! It may get hard, but let people know you are struggling and need help; find a support system!


Update: On February 21st, 2020, Damarise earned her HSE!

Topics: Adult Education, HSE | GED | HiSET, Success Story