Students often enter High School Equivalency (HSE) classes with a career goal in mind. Others are not sure. Student advisors and teachers spend time talking about career exploration and the many options available in Lancaster for post-secondary training, apprenticeships, and the resources offered by PA CareerLink, where daytime classes are held. Students have also expressed interest in joining the military and advisors are able to bring a recruiter to meet with those learners.
Advisors and students can look at local employment data including current and projected job openings, recent job growth data, occupations and earnings matching their current interests, skills and knowledge, and specific education or training programs in the local area.
Online resources to guide exploration:
- Students can take an interest profiler here as a first step in determining potential careers: PA Career Zone or My Next Move
- Watching career videos is another useful way to determine interest in a career and can be found here: Career One Stop
- Career Calculator allows users to calculate the median earning of a specific career, the educational cost to work in that field as well as loan terms.