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Safety Solutions

Three Things to Consider When Planning a Reverse Evacuation

Posted by John Baker on Oct 3, 2016 2:53:30 PM

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In light of the recent school shooting in South Carolina it is a good time to revisit  the importance of practicing a reverse evacuation.  So often we spend so much time worrying about how to get OUT of the building that we forget to think about how to get IN the building if something bad is happening outside.  Here are three things to consider next time you plan a reverse evacuation drill:

1. Smaller group size.  It is not very often that we have the entire school outside.  It is usually lunch periods and recess time so it is much easier to perform this drill since we are generally working with a smaller group.  Incorporate this drill into regular lunch, recess and gym periods.

2. Make it fun.  We never have to scare kids into learning good life skills. Same goes with evacuation drills.  Tell the kids how you want them to respond, blow the whistle, sound the horn or announce the trigger phrase "Everyone inside" and time them.  After the last student clears the outside door, stop the clock and do it again! A dodge ball, water pistol or other props might add to the excitement.  A life skill just became a game of tag.  They are learning a great skill and having fun at the same time.  That is a win-win.

3. Give practical scenarios.  Yes armed gunmen do occassionally come onto school campuses but that is as frequent as being struck by lightning.  So find more applicable drills such as severe weather, wild animals or a rabid dog  entered the playground or sports field area. There are many reasons we may need to shelter inside until the hazard has passed.  And the reality is the drill is the same for whatever the scenario. The goal...get inside as quickly as possible.

If you would like to discuss this or other school safety topics give us a call or respond to this blog.  This is John Baker for safetysolutions4schools.com. Image courtesy of discovery.com.



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