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Safety Solutions

PA Megan's Law... It's More Than Just for Kids!

Posted by John Baker on Oct 20, 2015 9:59:21 AM

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                For many educators Megan’s Law is synonymous with child molesting. But the reality is that the majority of Megan’s Law registered offenders in PA are not child molesters, in fact their victims are adults.

                It is important to remember that the Megan’s Law registry was created to track violent/sexual assault offenders not just child molesters. With this information our staff can better watch out for the students and THEMSELVES. Make sure your staff is reviewing all these notifications for their own safety.

                As we move toward daylight savings time many of our staff members who stay after work will be returning to their vehicles in the school parking lot after dark. Take extra steps to protect yourself. Consider the following tips:

  1. If you know you are staying late, move your car to the curb after the students are dismissed and the buses have gone.
  2. Coordinate with another staff member to walk to your cars together
  3. Park in high activity areas. Often after school activities are still going on after dark so find a parking spot near the gym entrance or other area of the campus that has people moving about.

Remember most parking lot crimes are crimes of opportunity and they rely upon low activity which translates to low chances of being caught.


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We offer a wide range of services ranging from All Hazards Plan design to general safety and security consulting to an ever-growing of variety of training in key areas for your staff.   

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