Safety Solutions at IU13

I'm Back

Written by John Baker | Nov 28, 2018 7:20:22 PM

April 13th was my last blog prior to going out on medical leave.  It is hard to believe how the year has flown by while I was on leave, returning to work late summer and catching up this fall.  Now 2018 is almost over.  Thanks to the many of you who have asked about my health over these past months and expressed your best wishes and concerns.  I am recovering and finding my "new normal".  

I look forward to returning to blogging.  Much has happened since my last entry.  Most significant for those of us in PA is Act 44-2018 and the new challenges that it offers.  If you don't know it already I am a fan of Act 44.  I have been concerned about Harrisburg's leadership role in school safety for some time.  It is refreshing to see a renewed interest in this very important topic. 

Sure there are some challenges with Act 44.  The aggressive time lines, the legislative language that needs to be interpreted into working policy and practice, funding, staffing, training and many more.  However it is a start to something better than many of our public and private school have today.  Yes we are "flying the plane while we are building it" but isn't that so often the case when we tackle tough and timely priorities?

So 2019 will be here before we know it.  I look forward to 2019 and the time we will spend together helping to make our schools a more positive, safe and productive learning environment for our children..and our dedicated school staff members.  After all what is more important than getting our children off to a great start in life.  They are the greatest treasure our Commonwealth possesses.  

Finally, you will be hearing about some changes here at the IU13's Police and Safety and Security Departments.  Upon my return we took time to revisit my job description and decided it was in everyone's best interest for me to give up the police and safety and security duties here at Iu13.  I will be transitioning into an IU13,  PA region 5 and statewide safety and security consultant.  I am excited about this and the opportunities it will bring for me to help many more people make positive improvements at their schools.  Some of you know Steve Halstead who currently serves in our Police Department.  He will be assuming the Chief's role January 1, 2019.  Congrats Steve... you will do a great job.  
