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Safety Solutions

Fun in the Sun...Not the ER!

Posted by John Baker on Jun 7, 2015 10:30:44 AM

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Just about everybody looks forward to extra time off in the summer and all the fun activities we can participate in.  Unfortunately, it is not only the season of increased fun... it is also a time of increased visits to the Emergency Room.  A recent article in the Pittsburgh Gazzette reports that ER visits increase by 20-25% over the summer for adults and for children it doubles! Nobody wants to be like our four legged friend in the photo when everybody around them is having fun.   Here are a few things to consider before having "to much fun". 

  • Know your body.  Many of us don't maintain an active lifestyle year round.  Be sure to pick activities that match your CURRENT level of conditioning.  If you sat around all year I don't think the 20 mile hike is probably the best place to start getting in shape.
  • Heat kills.  As we get older we don't adapt to temperature changes as well.  stay hydrated and cool.  Heat stroke is no joke.  Also be on the look out for severe sunburn.  Check any new medications you may be taking.  Don't be surprised if some of them make you extra vulnerable to sunburn.
  • Be smart.  Every years somebody cuts a few toes off when they decide that cutting the grass in flip flops sounds like a good idea or jumping into 4 feet of water from a 10 foot high platform is somehow going to work out well.  If you wouldn't let your kids do it... you shouldn't either.


Here at IU13 we love that many of our employees can get away from work and relax and enjoy time with family with friends but we want all of our employees to be able to return to work healthy and happy.  We hope everyone enjoys their fun in the sun... and not spend their time off in the ER!

This is John Baker for safetysolutions4schools.com


image courtesy of www.giveforward.com


Topics: safe living

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The IU13 Safety and Security team offers resources for affordable and practical solutions which have been created "by educators, for educators." Let us help you navigate the challenging waters of safety and security in your school, business, or civic organization.

Today, educators and administrators are being asked to do so much more than “just teach.” Safety and security management is one of many new hats educators are asked to wear.   - See more at: http://www.iu13.org/administrators/administrative-and-management-services/hr/safety/#sthash.ibVUiczC.dpuf

IU13’s SafetySolutions4Schools (SS4S) can help. We are a resource for affordable and practical solutions which have been created “by educators for educators.” Let us help you navigate the challenging waters of safety and security in your school.

We offer a wide range of services ranging from All Hazards Plan design to general safety and security consulting to an ever-growing of variety of training in key areas for your staff.   

- See more at: http://www.iu13.org/administrators/administrative-and-management-services/hr/safety/#sthash.ibVUiczC.dpuf

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