ECSES Instructional Technology News

School is upon us!

Written by Lori Blantz | Aug 29, 2017 3:47:52 PM

Can you believe summer is over? I know for a few of you, it is still occuring with school not starting until Sept 5th or 6th! Enjoy the last few days and for those that started last Monday August 21st- remember you have many days already done:) Ok kidding aside, I hope you are all ready for an exciting year ahead. I know I am! It has been awesome training staff in August on the use of Chromebooks in the classroom as many of our classrooms received new Chromebooks this year. Thank you IU13! I created a helpful document for those staff that are using Chromebooks. This is for your students (and you too).Tips on Chromebook  I hope you find it useful. I also created a PowerPoint that I used to teach these tips on using a Chromebook. Tips to Using a Chromebook Please feel free to edit is and make it your own. 

I have also been teaching a lot of staff an iPad program called OSMO. OSMO is a program that needs an iPad but your students interactive with the iPad through manipulatives vs playing on the iPad. I have two documents that are useful if you are using this in your classroom. Stay tuned to the SpotLight next month as I will be giving away a part of the OSMO kit for you have in your classroom. OSMO Training is a PowerPoint for you to learn how to use the program and teachers_guide_v6 is from OSMO and it has teacher lesson plans in it. Have fun and please do not hesitate to write me a comment below if you need help with either your Chromebooks, OSMO, or anything else in your classroom technology related! Have a fabulous day- Lori