Hi, I hope your week is off to a good start. In our blog this past Monday, Giovanna and I shared about our ECSES- STEM Makerspace opportunities, and a little bit about the upcoming live STEM lessons. We want to talk about this exciting opportunity for you and your class to join our live lessons.
At Burle, Giovanna and I now have a room called ECSES-STEM Studio 108.
We will be hosting LIVE STEM lesson broadcasts called Planting the Seeds for STEM. Here is a link to the overview of our STEM lessons for the month of October shown below:
We have added the first two weeks’ lessons. By Wednesday, September 30th we will include interactive videos to use with your students for these lessons.
Please watch this video to learn more about this exciting opportunity. Giovanna and I hope you participate when you can. Please use this Google Form to sign up to receive materials or participate in October LIVE Lessons Sign up is needed by October 9th to allow for time to package and send materials. We inform you about November’s LIVE STEM lessons in one of our Blogs this month. Look for it 😁
Live STEM Stipulations:
*first 4 teachers who complete the Google Form will be automatically sent STEM materials from our MakerSpace and will be notified by Giovanna and/or Lori
*first 4 teachers who complete the Google Form in each grade band will be participating live with us and will be notified by Giovanna and/or Lori
*lessons will be taped and placed in our STEM Google Classroom