ECSES Instructional Technology News

Novel Effect App  **NEW**

Written by Lori Blantz | Dec 1, 2022 12:30:00 PM

Novel Effect App

I am pleased to share with you a new license that was purchased for the ECSES department that will enhance your read-alouds and help “bring a book to life” with sound effects that are made based on the words you read from the story. This app is called Novel Effect and this was brought to my attention by two homebound instructors.

The app is free, but to have access to all the books in the library we needed the PRO account. We have purchased a site license so any teacher or therapist will log in using their IU13 email as the username and then to activate your account for the first time you are to use the password – lancaster (all lowercase). Once you create your account, we recommend you go into your profile and edit the password.

If you do not have the app on your iPad please put in a ticket and ask tech to add the Novel Effect App. This is a free app but because we have a school license tech will put on the app. You will have to share the asset tag of your iPad(s). Here is a short video on how to find your asset tag number on your iPad.  If you do not have an iPad, you can put the app on your phone, but that is something you would need to do on your own as the tech department will not add the app to personal devices.

Trying to get your students to read aloud. Use the interactive videos on the app. Click on the bottom tab labeled videos. Do you have a good book you want to see in an upcoming community pick to be added to the app library? Click on PICKS on the bottom of the app. Older students can pair up to read to younger students using the app. There are a lot of ideas on how to use this app. Here are a few other lesson plan ideas. 

Novel Effect Educator Resources: A voice-driven storytelling app for kids and families

List of books on the App

Finally, if for some reason when you go to sign into the app, and it does not recognize your email as the username please just send an email to Lori Blantz.

Happy Reading.

Learn things like:

  • How can I get the app on my device? 
  • What do I do if my email does not work to log in? 
  • Can I download any book to read with this app? 

Please do not hesitate to reach out for help with STEM and Instructional Technology by using our email. 

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