ECSES Instructional Technology News

Celebrate Washington's Birthday in Your Classroom

Written by Lori Blantz | Jan 2, 2025 12:30:00 PM

Join Mount Vernon for a FREE virtual program to celebrate Washington's birthday right in your classroom!

Use this platform to teach skills like asking questions, drawing conclusions, etc. that are also helpful STEM skills. It’s open to any class, but the info mentions materials are best suited for middle schoolers.

The program will run on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 1 p.m. ET and Friday, Feb. 21, at 11 a.m. ET. Teachers may register for one or both sessions.

Check it out here. 

Besides the live session, they provide a lot of educational materials for teachers to educate their students about Presidents Day in February. 

To register please click on this link and scroll down to the George Washington's Birthday in Your Classroom: A Virtual K-12 Program links for Feb 20th and/or 21st to register. 

Thank you Melissa Myer for sharing this for all.