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January 2020

The Refugee Center and Community School

December 2019 Recap

Group of Reynolds Students



Reynolds Middle School Community Outreach

Teacher dressed like Santa and group of students giving cards to the community.

On Friday, December 20th , students and teachers filled the streets surrounding Reynolds Middle School, and handed out holiday cards to local businesses, community members, and neighbors.



Thank you to the Rotary Club of Lancaster, Islamic Community Center of Lancaster, Millersville University, and IU13 for helping us with our Secret Angel Project. In total, 141 gift bags were filled with hygiene products, hats, gloves, scarves, uniform shirts, and other fun items the students listed on their wish lists. 

Five different pictures of people giving gifts to Reynolds Middle School.

Community School News

The next PTO meeting is on Wednesday, January 15th from 5:45 – 7:00 pm. Come and enjoy FREE food, share your comments and concerns, and meet other Reynolds family members!

Upcoming PTO Meetings:

  • January 15th
  • February 19th
  • March 18th
  • April 15th
  • May 20th

District Spelling Bee:

Tuesday, January 14th at Hand Middle School, 6:30 pm


Third marking period:

 Begins January 23rd

Early Dismissals:

  • January 8th


No School:

  • January 20th
  • January 21st
  • January 27th

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering at Reynolds Middle School?

Please contact our Community School Director, Cate Gorham, at (717) 947-1660 to learn more about volunteer opportunities!

  Michelle Gonzalez, Community Education Newsletter Editor

The Refugee Center and
Community School at Reynolds
Reynolds Middle School
605 W. Walnut Street
Lancaster, PA 17604

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